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Amazon WorkSpaces Pricing Page


Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully managed, persistent desktop virtualization service. You can use Amazon WorkSpaces to provision either Windows or Linux desktops, each with its own set of pricing implications discussed below. WorkSpace pricing can either be done in a monthly or hourly fashion.

Pricing Dimensions#

Dimension Description
Compute Type WorkSpaces offers seven different types of compute types. They are Value, Standard, Performance, Power, PowerPro, Graphics, and GraphicsPro. Each of these classes has a different set of underlying resources that contribute to costs differently. The order that these classes are listed in are from cheapest to most expensive.
Platform Type Linux or Windows. You are charged an additional amount of money for running on Windows vs Linux. You may also bring your own license for Windows WorkSpaces to reduce Windows licensing costs if you have that available.
Running Mode AUTO_STOP or ALWAYS_ON. When you choose AUTO_STOP you are choosing to create a WorkSpace that has a pre-determined expiration time in which that WorkSpace will terminate and is billed per hour. When you choose ALWAYS_ON you are charged on a monthly rate basis and the WorkSpace will persist being on until you take action to terminate it.
WorkSpace Size Each compute type offers four different configurations with different amounts of vCPU and GB of Memory. Graphic and GraphicsPro only offer one size. Depending on the size you choose, you will pay a more expensive rate.

Monitoring Unused WorkSpaces#

WorkSpaces have an attribute named last_known_user_connection_timestamp that maintains a timestamp of the last time a user accessed a specific WorkSpace. You should periodically audit WorkSpaces to ensure that they're being used as otherwise it can be wasteful and a contributor to costs. In the event that this timestamp isn't present, it means that a user has never actually connected to this instance. Additionally, you can look for a certain amount of time that has progressed since a user has accessed it, in the event that a user hasn't accessed a WorkSpace in over a few weeks, it may be a good candidate for a cleanup for cost savings.


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Last updated Jul 28, 2021