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Amazon DynamoDB Pricing Page


DynamoDB is Amazon's primary managed NoSQL database service.

It offers single-digit millisecond latency, scales to effectively unlimited requests per second, and has (largely) predictable pricing.

DynamoDB, like most NoSQL datastores, differs substantially from relational databases—it can only be queried via primary key attributes on the base table and indexes.

Pricing Dimensions#

Dimension Options Description
Billing Mode On Demand, Provisioned Throughput Choose between paying per read/write or per allocated requests per second throughput.
Write Type Standard, Transactional Transactional operations allow ACID guarantees at twice the standard cost.
Read Type Eventually Consistent, Strongly Consistent, Transactional Dynamo reads are by default Eventually Consistent - when you read from a table, the response might not reflect the results of a recently completed write.
Read Operation GetItem, Scan, Query Scans return the entire contents of a table; Queries allow a much faster & cheaper read of a subsection of the table.
Indexes None, Local Secondary Index, Global Secondary Index Indexes allow an alternate set of partition_key + sort_key to be used for queries.

Billing Mode#

"Use on-demand until it hurts" - Alex DeBrie, quoting Jared Short

Provisioned Throughput is cheaper if you have a meaningful number of reads/writes distributed evenly across time. Any reads/writes above the provisioned threshold will fail, so it is not well suited to bursty or unpredictable workloads.

Provisioned Throughput includes optional Auto Scaling if throughput thresholds are being exceeded (docs).

AWS Free Tier includes 25 reads/writes per second of Provisioned Throughput (across any number of tables) but does not include any on-demand mode usage.

Billing Mode Unit Unit Definition
On-Demand Read Request Unit (RRU) Read two <4KB items, eventually consistent
On-Demand Write Request Unit (WRU) Write one <1KB item
Provisioned Throughput Read Capacity Unit (RCU) Two reads per second (<4KB items), eventually consistent
Provisioned Throughput Write Capacity Unit (WCU) One write per second (<1KB item)

Write Type#

Standard writes are relatively straightforward and include single-item writes (table.put_item) and batch writes (batch.put_item).

Transactions (client.execute_transaction) group up to 25 writes (or reads, updates, or deletes) together and guarantee that they succeed or fail together.

For a given write of an item up to 1KB in size:

Type Cost
Standard Single Item 1 WRU
Standard Batch 1 WRU (per item)
Transactional 2 WRU (2x)
Oversize 4KB Item 4 WRU (4x, size dependent)

Read Type#

Part of what makes DynamoDB a compelling offering is its hybrid approach to the CAP theorem1—it can adjust between eventually and strongly consistent as needed.

Wherever acceptable to the business needs and current data modeling, it is faster and cheaper to use eventually consistent reads.

That said, some business logic unequivocally dictates strongly consistent reads (e.g. an ATM reading a customer's balance).

For a given read of an item up to 4KB in size:

Type Cost
Eventually Consistent 0.5 RRU
Strongly Consistent 1 RRU (2x)
Transactional 2 RRU (4x)

Read Operation#

Getting a single item is as simple as providing its partition_key (and sort_key if the table has one).

Queries, however, are much more involved. NoSQL databases like DynamoDB can require significant upfront data modeling work to enable the query flexibility that SQL-based databases have by default.

Scans require reading the entire table and are correspondingly slow and expensive. Wherever possible, avoid scanning Dynamo tables.

Type Cost
GetItem 1 RRU
Query {# of items meeting query logic} RRU
Scan {# of items in table} RRU


Every DynamoDB table has a partition_key (pk) and optional sort_key (sk) specified at the time of creation.

Indexes allow alternate partition and sort keys to be used to query items. They may be created at any time and are automatically maintained as new items are written.

Indexes can help control costs in two primary ways:

  1. Queries on a new index return fewer unnecessary items (than the alternative/existing query) and thus cost less RRUs.

  2. Each index optionally allows a subset of item attributes to be projected to that index. Projecting a subset can save on read costs if items are regularly >4KB, but the projected attribute names+values sum to <4KB.2

Type Primary Key Attributes
Base table Initial pk + optional sk
Local Secondary Index (LSI) Initial pk + different sk
Global Secondary Index (GSI) Different pk + optional different sk


The provisioned throughput settings of a global secondary index is separate from those of its base table.


DynamoDB tables can optionally enforce a Time To Live (TTL) on items in the table, such that they expire after that amount of time (guaranteed within +48 hours).

Dynamo exposes the time-ordered sequence of item-level changes on a given table via DynamoDB Streams. Reading change data from Streams is slightly cheaper per request than reading the table itself (on pay-per-use BillingMode). The first 2.5M reads per month are free.

Further Reading#

  • An overview of the architecture of DynamoDB can be found in the DynamoDB Paper
  • You can, if you so choose, use a SQL-like syntax to interface with DynamoDB via PartiSQL support


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Last updated Jul 31, 2021

  1. The CAP Theorem is a computer science theorem that observes that a distributed datastore cannot guarantee all three of Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. 

  2. If a query to an index with projection requests attribute values not in the projected values, it will incur twice the normal read cost, as the remaining attribute values must be fetched from the base table.